Hello again! I finally got down to business and started to work on my stash of 15mm sci-fi minis and models. Breaking out the jeweller's files, CA Glue and baking-soda I discovered how easy (and fun!) it is to clean-up and put together all those groovy vehicles I purchased months ago from Ground Zero Games, Khurasan and Old Crow.
Does my workbench look familiar? I'm starting to think everyone is into sci-fi 15's. |
The 'ketchup & mustard' camo scheme is based on one I used for my Pig Iron Productions Heavy Infantry. I thought it would be fun to play with the same forces in different scales.
Still not 100% sure about the white details on all the tech/specialist types, but I want them to stand out so that whatever special feature they bring to a game is not lost in the mix.
Very much looking forward to painting up the vehicles, buildings and the rest of the minis!A complete set of both the GZG pre-fab buildings and the shanty-town are queued up on the workbench.
What will I be playing with all these toys? There are sooo many options! Yes, I do have my copy of Tomorrow's War, however, play-testing GRUNTz is a priority. You can bet I will definitely will be playing some Star Mogul in 15mm as well as 5150 First Contact. Last, but not least, Fubar will be 'the' drop-in game of choice.
Post Script: I just read this news about Alpha Forge Games & Star Mogul! Thank you for that timely bit of info TGN!